We here at HCNT strive to bring you the highest quality when it comes to Levitating Moon Lamps. Although our competitors offer similar products to the public, our goal is to put out a product that is head and shoulders above them in terms of quality, and we feel we have done just that.
We have worked tirelessly to bring out a product that will not only amaze and astound but exceed expectations from the consumers. Based out of Guangdong, China.
We are hoping our location will minimize the need for a “middle man” distributor, and wholesale directly to our main markets in the United States and Europe before focusing on other markets such as Japan and Southeast Asia.

One of the biggest advantages of our ascension to the top of this niche market is that we are the premier inventor of the Levitating Moon Lamp in China and the United States.
You can check here to know more about our patent details. There’s no denying that is a massive advantage to have when it comes to cornering the market, we feel we have the ability, ingenuity, and most importantly the quality product to do so.
HCNT has made sure that we follow all the guidelines required to make a massive push into the mainstream with the Levitating Product.
We’ve made sure to “cross all our t’s and dot our i’s” so to speak when it comes to the following procedure. We’ve taken the steps to acquire our CE and FCC Certifications as well as make sure we have the proper credentials to handle all the OEM and ODM services.
We here at HCNT have gone through all the painstaking preparatory steps needed to ensure that once our Levitating Moon Lamp comes to market it will help revolutionize the field.
We’ve taken an immense amount of time shaping and molding the Levitating Moon Lamp into a sleek and eye-catching display that is sure to please once the consumers have set their sights on it.
Our Main Reason For Running Our Business And Website:
Part of our gearing up to release our Levitating Moon Lamp has been to research what’s already out there in terms of floating moon lamps and smart moon lamps.
Through that research, we’ve found a glaring hole within the market. A hole that we feel we can assuredly fill. Not to besmirch our competitors, but to put it simply, the hole that needs filling is one of quality. That is where we come in. By putting our best foot forward and bringing to the masses a product that will exceed the expectations of consumers while at the same time outshining its competitors. We have set up HCNT with these goals clearly in the forefront of our minds.
We altered our business plan a bit since we first started operating. Starting out we initially went with the launching of a B2B platform, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we did not see the return investment than we initially projected. That is why we switched gears and build a website where we could focus all of our marketing.
That way we’d have an easily accessible platform to sell our products on a much broader scale. It was a way for us to further extend our reach to the wide world of consumers and give them direct access to our factory where we conduct our business.
Our design is one that will not only illuminate the room literally but also figuratively as it lightens the atmosphere and brings a much-appreciated visual appeal to the space. Adding the Levitating Moon Lamp gives the room an automatic upgrade in its decorum.
One that will surely be talked about after your clients have left the room. As a consumer-friendly business that is the goal. To create something that is impactful and sustainable in the long term.
Something that is not only eye-catching and appealing but something that once you have experienced you will want to introduce your friends to it as well.
This creates a certain “snowball effect” as through word of mouth our product gains momentum which translates to sales. Our Levitating Moon Lamp is of such high quality that it will essentially sell itself.
How Is Business Conducted Between Our Clients And Us:
The relationship between a company and its consumer is a very important one. It is one that is integral to the company staying afloat.
If the company in question were to breach the trust of the consumer that could have a long-lasting adverse effect on the company’s growth. That’s where the “snowball effect” could go wrong.
The word of mouth could spread a negative reputation for that company. HCNT has gone to painstakingly great lengths to ensure that a situation like that would never occur between us and our consumers. We have carefully cultivated an environment of trust. We have done so by designing a user-friendly website where we put everything in plain view for the consumers. We’ve made it so user-friendly so that our consumers can make educated decisions after viewing all our products on the website.
Our user-friendly website is so consumer-friendly that it’s as easy as one, two, or three as they say. We have an easy-to-follow step-by-step procedure for you to follow, and we have experts that can guide you through the entire process.
First: The Consumer visits our website, and sends us a questionnaire that has all their questions regarding our product.
Second: Our expert Salesman will quote the price to the purchaser after getting the Consumer’s questionnaire.
Third: Once the two sides have confirmed all the transaction details, we send samples out to the Consumer. If the Consumer is pleased with the sample they will then place an actual Order.
Finally: Once we have the Order in our factory we will produce the Levitating Moon Lamp, and it will be sent to the Consumer immediately.
As you can see our website and our process is not only user-friendly, but it is also as easy of a process as one can have. You can buy the levitation items here directly. For more details, you can contact our professional sales.